Developed to empower photographers, printers, designers and prepress personnel, Touch7 is an extended color gamut system for Adobe CC.
Extended Color Gamut Printing
The developments by ink companies, print engines, RIP manufacturers and ICC profiling tools has been extensive over the past years, however, no one has really focused on the necessity for providing creative tools for designers, so that they can utilize these developments and reduce their cycle time to production. Touch7 was developed as an intuitive system that would help brands utilize ECG printing at a fraction of the time and cost associated with doing manual processing, and without the necessity to send your files through a dedicated color separation system, therefore opening up ECG printing to even the smallest print shop. The true power of Touch7 lies in it’s automated ECG colour palettes and plug-ins for Adobe CC, ensuring that designers can create artworks in an extended color gamut, without ever having to leave the familiar creative environment.
How it does work?
Touch7 Photo™ is a Photoshop plug-in that uses proprietary separation technology to automatically isolate and extract out extended color gamut colors from your images – and all at the touch of a button!
Increasing the printable color gamut enables a wider range of colors to be achieved by adding custom inks to a standard CMYK ink set. Whilst extended color gamut (ECG) printing has been around for many years, it is often out of reach to many printers due to the high investment cost of purchasing a dedicated color separation system.
Unlike other ECG systems that employ the use of a destination/press profiles to separate images, the Touch7 plugin works intelligently at the pixel level, automatically isolating and separating the desired touch plates for extended color gamut printing. The end conversion adds up to three additional spot colors to the users original image format – For example, if you have an RGB image and convert using Touch7, you will end up with your RGB image plus up to three spot colors. Once a file has been processed using Touch7, the user then converts the Touch7 image to their in-house press profile. Note: Touch7 does not require ICC profiles to extract ECG separations – our proprietary separation algorithms calculate the effect based on the original source information.
The image below was processed using one of the Touch7 master presets, with no image masking required. Notice how only colour groups that can benefit from an ECG ink set are targeted by the Touch7 algorithms – All other color groups, such as yellows, magentas and light cyans, are excluded, ensuring ECG inks only effect those colors true to an extended color gamut.
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